"IN THE CAL: Pastime Goes Primetime In California's Minor League was published as a 132-page softcover book by STILL Productions, Inc, June 1994, written, photographed and designed by Tammy Lechner, with photo editing by Adrienne Helitzer. The project has since evolved as a photo gallery exhibit produced by Lechner and Helitzer and shown in various presentations at Zuma Press/Remi Gallery (1995), the Autry Museum of Western Heritage (1996), the Orange County Public Library System (1997), and most recently at John Wayne (Orange County) Airport (Nov 2004 - April 2005) where it included 130 framed photographs, text narrative, graphic locator maps and more than 300 pieces of California League memorabilia displayed throughout the airport's passenger terminals
The John Wayne Airport exhibit show, designed by Tammy Lechner and Adrienne Helitzer, and co-curated by STILL Productions, Inc in association with airport arts program coordinator Jeffrey Frisch, was installed in 30 wall cases, each measuring 12 feet long by 6 feet wide, and stretching throughout the airport's passenger terminals. Also, included were four freestanding floor cases between the north and south terminals. During a five-month stay the exhibit displayed before an audience of more than 5,000,000 passengers, and included travelers to the 2004 Baseball Winter Meetings in Anaheim, CA.
San Jose Giants exhibit panels (below) represented two of 30 wall cases displaying photography, framed 16 X 20, narrative text, graphic locator maps and memorabilia for the "IN THE CAL" exhibit at Orange County's John Wayne Airport from November 2004 through April 2005.
©Photographs by Tammy Lechner/STILL Productions, Inc
click here for more information about the "IN THE CAL" book & exhibit project